Leishmaniasis among Gold Miners, French Guiana

In 2004, the Cayenne General Hospital and public health centers recorded 348 new cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in French Guiana. A case of CL was considered confirmed if cutaneous lesions were present for >2 weeks; the patient had a compatible epidemiologic history; and microscopic examination of dermal scrapings, parasite cultivation, or both showed positive results for Leishmania.

According to the population estimate given by the French National Institute for Statistics and Economical Studies (INSEE,Cayenne), the incidence of CL in 2004 was 0.2%–0.4% and has been relatively stable since 1979.

However, when the annual number of cases per village were examined, new CL cases were heterogeneously distributed.
Saint Elie, a gold-mining village in the inland neotropical forest, had an apparent incidence rate of 25.9% in 2004 and 28.9% in 2005.

Auteur(s) : Brice Rotureau, Michel Joubert, Emmanuel Clyti, Félix Djossou, Bernard Carme
Édition : CDC / Emerging Infectious Diseases Vol.12 N° 7, July 2006
Année : 2006
Nbre de pages : 2
Type : Article scientifique
Langue(s) : Anglais
Format(s) : PDF
Source : Center for Diseases Control and Prevention. (CDC)